Chinch Bug

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Nom scientifique Blissus leucopterus

The Chinch Bug damages turf by piercing leaves and stems to suck the sap. As part of this feeding process, this pest also injects plants with its toxic saliva, which causes damage to the plant’s water conducting vascular tissues. Feeding generally occurs near the plant’s base and nodes. Damage from Chinch Bugs is most severe in July and August, when temperatures and incidence of drought stress are high. Properly irrigated areas are often better able to survive Chinch Bug infestation. Additionally, areas with less thatch generally have less Chinch Bug activity.

Turf Symptoms

• Large, scattered, yellow patches of grass that are dwarfed, turn brown, and die as feeding continues.
• Often mistaken for drought stress.
• Turf is not responsive to irrigation.

Use Tips:

• Thoroughly wet turf with application
• Mow lawn and then spray
• Do not water for 2 days after treatment
• Repeat in 2 to 3 weeks if necessary.

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